Empowerment Psychology Training
Empowerment Psychology Training
Empowerment psychology training could refer to the work of many professionals who work with or interact with individuals or groups who are "disempowered." This could include those traumatized by violent events, illnesses or natural disasters and the socially marginalized and disadvantaged. Professionals who may use empowerment psychological training include teachers, social workers, nonprofit front-line workers, counselors, psychologists and therapists.
Empowerment could be called another vague concept in the self-help toolbox. But its meaning lies in understanding that we live in an unequal society, where some feel more in control of their lives than others. People can be materially, psychologically or even physically disadvantaged and need to feel a sense of control and purpose over their lives. Empowerment psychology training is a way for all of these groups to achieve this--individually and as a community. As an example, in Britain, the government released the Community Empowerment White Paper, which was targeted at helping those living in the most materially impoverished areas in the country have more say in local politics and decision-making, among other things. An example of individual empowerment could be helping an elderly lady who may have been robbed in her neighborhood to have confidence to walk on the streets again, through empowerment training.
Practical Use
Empowerment psychology training aims to improve a person's overall well-being in certain areas. This includes improving the quality of relationships; enhancing sexuality; achieving prosperity and quality of life; creating work that is fulfilling and inspiring; and dealing with emotional wounds from the past.
People can be empowered as individuals or as communities. Working with a therapist or counselor would be classified as an individual form of empowerment but community activism can be seen as a collective form of empowerment. The two approaches will use different techniques but the foundations of both require a through grasp of the psychology of empowerment.
Practical Examples
Using empowerment psychology training helps people manifest what they want to achieve through positive thinking and pro-activism. Young people can often be ignored and empowerment techniques can help them achieve a sense of status. An example would be the nonprofit People Empowerment Project in Dallas. Its goal is to help young people and adults realize the importance of greater personal responsibility, community service and good citizenship