Top 10 Stress Busters and Relievers
Writing in a journal on a regular basis is a good way to vent your frustrations and put things in perspective. After you have let out your emotions, you will feel more relaxed and in control.
Laugh for a free, convenient and fun way to release stress hormones, such as cortisol, epinephrine and dopamine, and to increase health-enhancing hormones, such as endorphins and neurotransmitters. Laugh long and often with friends and family to better your health.
Yoga increases flexibility, strengthens core muscles, lowers blood pressure and reduces stress. It is a great way of letting go of your worldly worries and finding your inner peace.
Time management
Stress often occurs when we feel like we have too much to do in too small a time frame. Plan ahead, set achievable time goals and stick with them to reduce stress. Whenever possible, start projects early and don't leave things until the last minute.
Breathing exercises
Whene you feel yourself getting stressed out or feeling pressured, breathe. Take a deep breath, hold it for six seconds, and then exhale. Repeat twice more, and then breathe normally. You will feel more relaxed and ready to take on the tasks at hand.
Meditating slows down your heart rate and your breathing, restoring you to a calm state. Sit in a relaxed position and focus on a sound, your breathing or nothing at all. For the best results, meditate in a quiet and private setting, and allocate at least five to 20 minutes to the process.
Learn to express yourself so you don't bottle up your feelings, which often leads to stress. If you have strong, negative feelings toward someone or something, confide in a friend or family member, or confront the person or thing in an honest, sincere and non-malicious manner. Resolve the matter in a positive manner and you will feel better.
Create and listen to music as a creative outlet. Escape complex and often stressful real-life situations, and find consolation, resolution, peace or perspective in a fantastical reality. Listen often to relaxing music, and you may find that you develop a more calm disposition.
Sex helps relieve stress and puts us in a better mood. In fact, not only does sex lead to less stress, less stress leads to more sex.
Take walks on a regular basis, or when you feel pressured, to reduce stress. Take a walk to escape the pressures of daily life and enjoy nature. Not only that, exercise increases blood flow to the brain and can make you mentally sharper.