How to Use Conflict to Your Advantage
Identify your objective. Define and understand what your goals are. Before you can benefit from the conflict scenario, you must know how you intend to benefit.
Understand the objectives of the parties involved. Your ability to manipulate a situation in your favor is dependent on your ability to understand those involved in the conflict and work within their boundaries. First identify the motivations of the conflicted parties, then formulate how to work within those boundaries and manipulate the situation in your favor. The variables involved in conflict scenarios vary from case to case, but in any case, try to manipulate the situation in your favor until you understand the objectives of the conflicted parties and the situation as a whole.
Consider the tendencies of the parties involved. Understand prior motivations that have effected the conflicted groups. By learning what has provided motivation in the past may help you in managing the current situation and steering its resolution in your favor. Thought past motivations my not be applicable to the current situation, exhibiting your understanding of them with often garner favor within the conflicted group.
Identify the benefits of the conflict as they may not be obvious. While you may not have interests in certain conflicts, it doesn't mean they can't be beneficial. Conflicts often consume all the attention of the conflicted groups and others. If you are not involved in the conflict, you may be able to use its distracting nature to your benefit. Attention diverted by a conflict can open the door for an unrelated agenda to be pushed through with little notice.
Mediate a resolution. If done correctly, mediating a conflict can improve your standing with both groups. This can be a delicate process, because pleasing both groups can be difficult. Scenarios where neither side is happy with the resolution will see your status diminished, so take care in crafting an amicable agreement for both sides.
Learn from it. In conflict you can learn about yourself and others involved in the conflict. When faced with a disagreeable situation, groups and people will lash out and show true motivations that are unattainable in other ways. Being close to a situation can make it difficult to understand its broad implications. In conflict, issues that may have gone unnoticed before can grow and make themselves known. A problem that had gone unnoticed can now be remedied.