Goals & Techniques for Positive Thinking
The American Heart Association discusses the importance of self-talk. All of us talk to ourselves, either aloud or simply in our mind. Making an effort to concentrate on the positive reduces stress. "I know I can reach this goal" is an example of positive self-talk. "Things never work out for me" is a good example of negative phrases to avoid.
If you entertain negative thoughts regularly, practicing positive self-talk could change your life. Repeated negative thoughts should be erased from your mind. Using positive affirmations helps you learn to erase a negative thought and replace it with a positive one. For instance, if you are in the habit of thinking, "I am stupid," replace the thought by repeating "I am smart." Over time, the new positive overrides the negative.
Avoid Negative People
Keeping company with negative people produces negative thoughts. Attitude can often be contagious. If you are trying to embrace positive thinking, try to avoid spending time with pessimistic people. However, we can't always avoid negative people. For instance, relatives and business associates play important roles in our lives. If any tend toward the negative, you can maintain a positive mindset. Just accept that they may never change and don't let their pessimism rub off on you.
Create Checks
Evaluating your progress throughout every day helps maintain a steady stream of positive thoughts. Whenever you catch yourself having an unwanted thought, stop what you are doing and replace it by repeating a positive affirmation. Alert those people close to you about what you are doing. Ask them to bring it to your attention if they hear you saying something negative.
Journaling is another way to check your progress. Every night record in a notebook or diary how well you did that day. Also use this time is an opportunity to celebrate things for which you are grateful. Do not put the journal away until you have found something positive to write down.