How to Change Your Mood, each color has its own energy and can affect your mood for good or ill. Laughter, reaching out to a friend or associating with positive people can all brighten your mood. Do a little experimentation to see which mood-elevator works best for you.
Things You'll Need
- Pencil
- Paper
- Healthy foods
- Multiple vitamins
Pencil and paper Write down a list of things that trigger your bad moods, so you will know what to avoid.
Healthy diet Eat a healthy diet. Include fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meats in your diet. Avoid sugar, fatty or processed foods, which can add weight and contribute to bad moods.
Get Rest Get plenty of rest. Lack of sleep causes fatigue, which can lead to bad moods.
Multiple vitamins Take a multiple vitamin daily. This way, your body will get the nutrition it may not be getting from your diet alone.
Yellow and orange Add yellow and orange colors to your clothes and room. These are bright and tranquil colors. According to, you should avoid black and brown, which can have a negative affect on your mood.
Exercise Exercise every day. Take your mind off what may be contributing to your bad mood, and get fit and lose weight while you're at it.
Recall good memories Recall things that bring back good memories. For example, the aromas in your grandmother's kitchen.
Think about who loves you Close your eyes and think of a person or people who love you.
A quiet place to relax Find a quiet place to rest, read an inspirational book or listen to relaxing music.