Fragrances to Create Emotions
According to the Smell Report, produced by the SIRC, that there is a link between the olfactory system and the limbic section of the brain, which is considered to be the seat of emotions. Certain aromas stimulate hormones that influence emotions which sometimes cause imbalances in our bodies. Some fragrances cause mood and emotional changes. People react differently to fragrances depending upon their aromatic memories, personal tastes, cultural backgrounds and their experiences.
Create an Energetic Mood
Citrus oil odors are described as being stimulating. Scents of oranges, lemons and grapefruits help start the day, and give you a feeling of energy and uplifting qualities that wake you up in the morning. The smell of fresh-brewed coffee also adds to this energizing feeling. Most seeds, stalks, roots, mosses and some leaves have stimulating fragrances. Refreshing and clean odors of mint leaves, evergreen branches, citrus oils and camphor scents are also good fragrances to have in the workplace. They are conducive to alertness and concentration. Valerie Ann Worwood, aromatherapist, states in her book, "The Fragrant Mind," that these fragrances also provoke intellectual stimulation.
Create a Romantic Mood
When creating a romantic mood, use fragrances that give aphrodisiac effects. These odors are blunt and intense and must be diluted in order to produce a pleasant, warm fragrance suggestive of arousing bodily scents. Musk is the most familiar of these fragrances. Sandalwood, amber, Aubrette seeds, costus roots and Canada snake roots also have this same earthy odor. Chocolate and roses also add to the romantic mood.
Calming Effect
Lavender, Clary sage and Roman Chamomile provide a calming, relaxing feeling of comfort. These fragrances are good to have in your home to promote calm, comfort and relaxation in the evening after a hard day's work. A few drops of lavender in your bath water, and rose and vanilla fragrances in your bedroom before retiring for the night help you experience a restful night's sleep.
Valerie Ann Worwood stated that fragrances such as Clary sage, lavender and Roman chamomile could be used in stressful situations to bring out the positive aspects of people's personalities. Frankincense, juniper and cypress aid in dispelling feelings of guilt and grief. Worwood suggested that these fragrances could possibly be sprayed in prisons and holding cells to calm hostile and angry inmates.