Role of Crisis Counseling in Natural Disasters
Within any type of crisis, individuals, families and groups may require help coping with events as well as remaining safe throughout its duration. In cases where a disaster has destroyed a person's home or impacted his physical health, additional long-term supports may also be needed. According to the National Mental Health Information Center, the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA is a U.S. government agency designed to assist areas that have been affected by a natural disaster. Through FEMA, victims are entitled to receive short-term crisis counseling assistance.
Natural Disasters
Through FEMA, the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act of 1988 is authorized to supplement State and local government assistance efforts in cases of natural catastrophe. Authorization is given by the U.S. President once it's determined that the conditions for a natural disaster have been met. According to the National Mental Health Information Center, catastrophes can be the result of flood, fire, and acts of nature or terrorism. States and local governments unable to provide necessary support can receive supplemental funding for short-term crisis counseling services.
Crisis Counseling Program
The Crisis Counseling Assistance and Training Program is the federal program responsible for assisting states and communities in times of natural disaster. This program provides treatment for the psychological and emotional needs of those who've been affected. Counseling services are designed to help individuals cope with their present circumstances, identify available options and develop a plan for getting back on their feet. Services provided focus on a person's or family's state of need and the steps required to improve their immediate circumstances.
According to the National Mental Health Information Center, the role of crisis counseling in natural disasters is based on the premise that individuals, families and communities can eventually resume the activities of normal life once needed assistance measures are provided for. According to FEMA, the services provided are designed to help victims identify normal stress reactions within a crisis and develop coping skills for working through their present circumstances. Skills training may include stress management techniques, emotional management techniques and any necessary referrals for ongoing mental health assistance.
Stress Treatment
According to the National Mental Health Information Center, reducing the ongoing effects of stress is the primary focus of crisis counseling within natural disaster situations. Symptoms of stress can appear in various forms and last anywhere from days to months. In addition to the initial stress caused by a disastrous event, the recovery period following a disaster can be equally, if not more so, stressful according to FEMA. In circumstances like these, stress management assistance can prevent symptoms like anxiety, fear, and feelings of hopelessness or powerlessness from getting worse.
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