How Your Daily Journal Writing Can Help Reduce Stress
Journaling is a personal, private and fulfilling way to release your emotions and thoughts in a safe, constructive outlet. Once you get your thoughts and emotions out of your head it can be easier to reflect on things from an outsider's perspective. By simply releasing your thoughts onto paper (or your computer) you can more clearly conceive of your own ideas and situation, and think of potential solutions to any problems.
Time Frame
The beauty of journaling is that the time frame is subjective to your own daily needs. Your writing may take as little as a couple minutes or as long as you think it needs. It can be once or numerous times a day, and depending on your own habits you could journal in the morning to help you prepare for the day ahead, the evening to clear your mind before bed, or any time in between.
You can use your diary to record any stressful feelings you may have, and use those records to then find the source of your anxiety. Once you know what main factors are causing your stress you could work to help reduce excessive stressors, according to NY Times Report on Stress. Moreover, writing about things that get you riled up, whether it be through frustration, anxiety or even excitement could help clear your mind and empower your own sense of self.
An important factor to note is that journaling doesn't have to be a daily log of events you experience. It is more effective and more interesting as individual entries relating to whatever occupies your mind at the given moment. That could be an issue that came up at work or school, relationship issues or even current events. Examining a broad range of topics that affect your emotions and your stress levels will better help you control your stress.
Keeping a journal is a great way to calm your mind and relieve stress, but if it is kept up it has the potential to be an asset in balancing your own mind and personal life. A journal serves as a consistent, reliable, affordable and transportable way to record your thoughts and feelings. You can put as much or as little effort as you want in it, so long as you make sure to consistently write in it, and it will invariably help improve your lifestyle.