Online Activities Dealing With Anger Management in Teens
Coping Kit
Interactive Coping Kit offers an interactive Coping Kit designed to help teens cope with their anger, hurt and other feelings. The Coping Kit is presented as a notebook that teens can write in while learning and exploring their feelings. Teens can learn different ways to identify and cope with their overwhelming feelings. Problems are identified and the solutions are discovered by the teen on their own through the printable writing activities. Coping Kit creates a tangible resource for coping in a crisis.
Life Journal
Life Journal interactive notebook Life Journal is available through and is an interactive resource for teens to help identify anger and cope with it in a healthy way. Life Journal consists of questions in which the teens write their answers and in doing so learn techniques for dealing with stress and anger and learning how to stay in control during a crisis. Life Journal is a fun way to release negative emotions and develop positive ones and also helps teens identify support systems and other sources of empowerment. Life Journal may be printed for personal reference as well.
Anger Class Online
Online anger management class The Anger Management Class online is for teens and consists of a self-paced eight-hour classes. The class and curriculum was designed by Ari Novick, Ph.D., a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and certified anger management provider and by Tony Fiore, Ph.D, a licensed clinical psychologist and a certified anger management provider. The class covers 10 chapters of the "Anger Management for the Twenty-first Century and the 8-Tools of Anger Control," curriculum and a final examination. These classes teach youth the "Eight Tools of Anger Control," including:
Tool 1 - Recognize Stress
Tool 2 - Develop Empathy
Tool 3 - Respond Instead of React
Tool 4 - Change That Conversation With Yourself
Tool 5 - Communicate Assertively
Tool 6 - Adjust Expectations
Tool 7 - Forgive But Don't Forget!
Tool 8 - Retreat and Think Things Over!
The Adolescent Anger class costs $195.