How to Learn to Be More Happy in Life
Being thankful for what you have will bring more things you love into your life. Be thankful for one thing every day. Say it out loud to yourself or a friend, or write it down. Be thankful that you have groceries in your cupboards, even if it isn't steak and caviar. Be thankful that you have a job that pays, even if you don't love it. Be thankful for your health or family or friends or pets. Remember all the people who don't have what you have.
Eventually you'll find more and more things to be grateful for, and you'll appreciate more aspects of your life. The more time you spend being thankful, the less time you'll spend wanting something you don't have.
Spend time doing what makes you happy. Decide where you are happiest, whether it is at work, with family, out with friends, with your pets, volunteering, exercising or spending time alone. Set aside time every day or at least every weekend to do the thing that makes you happiest. Do not look at this as selfish; consider it necessary for mental health and stress release.
Children and animals live in the moment and remind us to live simply. If you like kids or animals, spend more time with them. They are full of joy and wonder. Spend more quality fun time with your own, visit family or friends' kids or pets, or volunteer.
Finding others with similar interests will open you up to new opportunities. If you aren't currently doing the job or hobby of your dreams, take baby steps to start. Seek out web sites on your favorite topic to find others who share your passion. You'll learn how they spend time realizing their dreams.
Writing down your goals will help you solidify them. Always have a goal in mind. When you reach that goal, think up a new goal. Make each goal attainable within a year or two. If you aren't sure if the goal is attainable, have 2 or 3 goals in mind so that you can be an achiever. If your life's dream is to be rich, start with a lower goal.
Goals might include:
Get paid to perform your dream job at least once (writing, singing, acting, etc).
Own a home or move into a larger space.
Make a new best friend.
Have kids or adopt kids.
Make someone laugh.
Travel to a new place you've never been.
Learn a new skill.
Ride a horse or a motorcycle.
Get out of debt, including car loans. -
Shy people and extroverts can both find happiness in different ways. Figure out your personality type. The Myers-Briggs test is helpful for deciphering this. The test can help you determine if you are extroverted (you get energized by being around people), or if you are introverted (you are drained by being around other people and need alone time to recharge).
Understanding that your individual quirks are a natural part of your defined personality type will help you better understand yourself and how you relate to others. Seek out other people with your personality type online to discuss how you handle situations. Another helpful personality assessment is birth order.
Even happy, confident people have struggles of their own. Remember that everyone has their own problems. Many people who seem to "have it all together" might not share their deepest issues with anyone.
If negative people stifle your happiness, then find solitude. Distance yourself from negative or toxic people. If you can't remove them from your life, it's okay to be friendly with them and then shake off their negativity and escape to the safety of your favorite activities. Listen to them, but don't own their words or let them drag you down.