What Is an Easy Way to Clear My Mind?
Things You'll Need
- Garbage bags and cleaning supplies
- Pillow
- Candle
- Matches
- Journal
- Pen
- Book
Clean your home. Throw away anything old or unnecessary, organize your belongings and do the dishes.
Sit still. Place a pillow on the floor of a dark room and light a candle. Sit in silence for five to 15 minutes, focusing only on your breathing. If it helps, visualize something calm and peaceful, like a white fog or a secluded pasture.
Exercise on a daily basis, which gives you a chemical balance. This does not need to be particularly strenuous exercise--even a 30-minute walk each day can help calm your mind. Don't listen to headphones while you exercise.
Keep a journal. You may feel overwhelmed by the thoughts and worries that swim around your mind--give them a place to go by expressing yourself on paper.
Listen to music without lyrics. If constant environmental quiet is a distraction, feel free to listen to music--it should be in the background, though, not your focus.
Read. Practice reading instead of playing on the computer or watching television.