Music & Relaxation in the Workplace
Many people listen to music in their place of work, either through their own personal iPods or on their computer. Is that music a distraction and hindrance or does it help ease stress?-
Studies show that music in the workplace actually relaxes workers. University of Illinois researchers found in a study of 256 office workers that listening to music of their own choice soothed frayed nerves, drowned out office distractions and enhanced office performance.
The same study says music boosts productivity in the workplace. A separate study says that quality of work was actually lowest with no music. And in 1993, researchers at the University of California in Irvine found that college students who listened to Mozart's Piano Sonata K.448 for 10 minutes prior to taking a spatial IQ test scored eight points higher than those who did not.
Another positive effect of music in the workplace is greater satisfaction with the employer. Studies show that when people listen to their own choice of relaxing music at work, they have less interest in switching jobs.
Physical Effects
Music does have actual physical effects on the body. Soothing music lowers rapid heart rates and blood pressure. It can promote the relaxation of tense muscles. Music reduces sympathetic nervous system activity and respiratory rate.
Stress Relief
Because of the effects soothing music has on the body itself, it can be a major source of stress relief. Music also promotes a positive mood, improves alertness and can lessen the event of accidents in the workplace. Researchers have found that music can decrease the amount of cortisol, a stress-related hormone produced by the body in response to stress.
Choice of Music
The choice of music you listen to in the workplace is important. Hard rock and heavy metal are not conducive to stress relief and relaxation. If your goal is to increase concentration, then music with a constant, easy beat and light melodies is best. Music with an upbeat rhythm is found to be the best stress-reducer.