What are the Health Benefits of Stress Management?
Stress 101
According to renowned psychologist Dr. Richard Lazarus, stress is a condition or feeling experienced when a person perceives that demands exceed the personal and social resources she is able to offer.
How Much Is Too Much?
Some stress is good, as we can feel challenged to reach our highest potential when we have to stretch ourselves past our comfort point. But when the things that are causing us stress are coming at us too fast or hitting us too hard, it becomes dangerous to our health.
Stress Management Techniques: Outer Environment
Sometimes you can change aspects of your environment that are causing you stress. First, identify what is causing the stress and determine what changes you can make. For example, if you are stressed by your job consider finding a new one, or change the atmosphere at work by rearranging your space, taking a break to walk at lunchtime, or seeking out more positive co-workers with whom to associate.
Stress Management Techniques: Inner Environment
Maybe you cannot change the situation causing you stress right now, but you can change your inner environment by practicing positive thinking, such as being grateful for whatever is good in your situation, by meditating and by looking for the humor in everyday life.
The Payoff
By learning to manage your stress you will feel better and be more productive. You will also lower your risk of many diseases related to stress, such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension and cancer.