Mental Healthcare Tips
What is Mental Health?
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) defines mental health as "a state of successful performance of mental function, resulting in productive activities, fulfilling relationships with other people, and the ability to adapt to change and to cope with adversity." People who enjoy good mental health think clearly, handle emotions efficiently, pursue work and recreational activities, enjoy family and friends, and are able to adjust to life transitions and circumstances. If you are maintaining your job, have satisfying relationships, adapt to change, and solve problems effectively, and feel a general sense of satisfaction and competency in life, you are most likely enjoying good mental health.
Mind-Body Connection
Thoughts and feelings on one hand, and the body on the other, constantly interact, according to That is why good physical health practices help improve mental health. Regular exercise and a healthy diet help reduce both physical and emotional effects of stress. Adequate rest is also necessary. Maintaining good mental health likewise helps sustain a strong immune system and keeps the body healthy.
Balanced Living
A balanced lifestyle is important to maintaining good mental health, according to therapist Alyce Duckworth, LCSW. Each of us needs time with others as well as solitude. Responsibility to others should be balanced by time spent taking care the self, especially for individuals with children or who are caring for elderly or ill family members. Recreation should be given as much importance as work, even though the ratio may lean more heavily toward productive efforts. "Too much of anything in life can have drastic impacts," Duckworth said.
Express Yourself
Duckworth advocates embracing hobbies as a tool for maintaining good mental health. Hobbies provide relief from stress, Creative hobbies such as writing or painting allow you to work through complex emotions and develop self-awareness. Hobbies based on interests such as carpentry or amateur radio develop knowledge and personal skill. All recreational activities provide relief from stress and allow you to develop greater competence and self-satisfaction.
Signs of Distress
Good mental health means knowing the signs of distress. Persistent changes in the way you think or feel can be a signal that something is wrong. These may include unexplainable sadness, an increase in negative thoughts, irritability or anxiety, lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities, or changes in sleep patterns, appetite, or sexual desire, among others. Educate yourself if you are experiencing any of these symptoms and seek appropriate care.
Getting Help
Many people fail to seek help when signs of distress arise, often due to a lack of awareness. SAMHSA states that mental health problems affect all areas of an individual's life, including physical health, productivity, relationships, and the ability to think, feel and behave appropriately. Seeking help early is an important step in regaining your well-being. The Consumer's Guide to Mental Healthcare, found on the SAMHSA website, can guide you in finding the right type of care.