Adolescent Anger Management Techniques
Breathe Slowly
Take slow deep breaths. Anger often triggers rapid breathing. Breathe slowly in and out to reduce anger and to relax.
Think about a relaxing place, person or thing. If you cannot visualize a calming object or person, repeat a positive, calming word or phrase., recommends saying, "I am in control of my feelings."
Find an Activity
Find another activity to do. According to, exercising, listening to music or writing in a journal helps release anger. It also prevents more anger from building up. Other helpful activities include drawing, reading and even watching television.
Talk to an Adult
Talk to a trusted adult about the situation that caused the anger. Express how the situation felt. Talking things out helps surface emotions hidden by the anger, such as fear, sadness or guilt. You may find that others feel the same way at times, too; you and your adult friend can brainstorm about a solution.