How to Stop Over-Thinking and Keep Anxiety at Bay
Take a deep breath. Diaphragmatic breathing is a great way to calm the entire nervous system. Simply lie down and place your hands on your belly. Close your eyes. As you take a long, deep breath, feel your belly rise up into your hands. Make your exhale equally as long and feel your belly soften back down. Follow your breath in this way for at least five minutes.
Attend a yoga class. Yoga is an ancient Indian system designed to calm the mind. Yoga classes offer a combination of stretching, strengthening and breathing exercises that leave you feeling more present and calm. If yoga classes are not available at a studio or gym in your area, there are many videos available that you can do at home.
Get out and exercise. Try going on a run, hitting the gym or taking a brisk walk. Exercise gets your blood pumping and releases mood-boosting endorphins in your brain. According to the Centers for Disease Control, adults should get at least 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise every week, and engage in muscle-strengthening activities at least two days a week.
Write about what is causing you anxiety. Put all of the thoughts that are swimming around in your head on paper. Let the writing be a stream of consciousness -- don't worry about grammar or spelling. Just pour your heart out onto the page. Often, writing down your problems will put them into perspective and leave you feeling less worried.
Get plenty of sleep. Anxiety and sleep deprivation can create a vicious cycle, because an overactive mind can inhibit sleep, while a lack of sleep can fuel an overactive mind. If you have trouble falling asleep, try taking a warm bath or drinking a warm cup of tea before bedtime.