Healthy Stress Relievers for College Students
Muscle Relaxation
While you would ideally do this exercise in a relaxing environment, it can work even while your hunched over your books. Tense up the muscles in your face, frowning as deeply as possible for about five seconds. Relax them. Do the same with your jaw. Then move down your body, tensing and relaxing muscles throughout your torso and limbs, squeezing the stress out of them.
When you're in a relaxed state, think of a memory or imaginary scene that fills you with peace. Mentally record every detail. Whenever the academic or social pressures of college threaten to overwhelm you, close your eyes and return to this place for a few moments.
Cardiovascular Exercise
The 2008 ACHA-NCHA poll found that 24.2 percent of college students don't do any cardiovascular exercise at all. But a brisk walk or a quick jog can shake the clutter from a stressed mind. You'll return to your studies with clearer focus.
Develop a routine of regular, meditative breathing. Find a quiet place each day to sit or recline, resting one hand on your stomach to monitor its rise and fall. Breath deeply through your nostrils and exhale through your mouth. Repeating this exercise daily in a relaxed environment will increase its effectiveness if you need to calm yourself in a stressful situation.
"All-nighters" are common in college, but lack of sleep will ultimately impede your ability to function effectively. In the AMCHA-NCHA study, 47.7 percent of the students polled reported not getting enough sleep in the past 3 to 5 days. Whatever your schedule, make sure to allow for 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night.