How to Calm Down and Relax

When you are stressed out your blood boils and it's hard to concentrate on anything else. Here are some tips to slow down, relax and get back into the right mindset.


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      Breathe from your belly. When you are stressed you tend to take short breaths. This happens when you tense up. Be conscious of your breathing and take deep, long breaths from your belly. Do 2 reps of 10 and your will seem to relax.

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      Stretch. Roll your shoulder and neck and stretch your arms and legs. This will get the blood pumping to all your body parts and your will start to calm down.

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      Go for a walk outside. Getting fresh air and moving your limbs will help you calm down.

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      Think positively. Think of something good. Tell yourself that you are a good person and push away all the negative thoughts. You will quickly start to believe it.

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      Let go of grudges. You don't have to forget, but forgive and you will start to feel better about yourself.

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      Rub the inside of your wrists gently. This is a surprisingly relaxing spot.

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      Slowly drink a glass of water. This will help you relax.

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      Drink a glass of chamomile tea. The warmth and herbs will make you feel better.

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