How to Meditate And Relax Your Mind
Make time for yourself to meditate. Create a routine to meditate and be consistent. All you need is at least 10-15 minutes a day for mental and physical rejuvenation.
Find a quiet and relaxing environment. It's important, to find a tranquil place to meditate without distraction. The quiter the place is, the better concentration and focus you will achieve. Remember that noise is a mind pollutant.
Sit on an even ground for proper balance and body alignment. Sit comfortably. Keep your back straight, as this will help with your breathing and relaxation.
Control your breathing. Breathe deeply and slowly from your abdomen rather than your chest. You should feel your stomach rise and fall while your chest stays relatively still. Healthy, stress relieving breathing may be done by inhaling for count of 2, exhaling for count of 5, repeat the process for 10-15 minutes. This gets rid of your carbon dioxide and replaces it with oxygen to oxygenate your blood, resulting in lowering of your heart rate and blood pressure.
Relax your body and focus your attention. Relax every muscle starting at your toes, and working up to your head until the tension slowly drifts away. Let your attention rest on the flow of your breath. Focus, follow and listen to it.
Once you've trained your mind to relax and focus, the next step is to quiet your mind and concentrate on nothing at all, essentially your mind will adapt and follow the focal point of meditation. Your thoughts will lead into one single area of concentration and focus. Your focal point in meditation will be your "inner sanctum" which will be your resting state of mind.