Symptoms of Excess Dopamine or Taurine
The Symptoms of Excess Taurine
There are a variety of symptoms that signal that the body contains too much taurine which is an amino acid that is important for metabolism. Some of these include a lack of vitamin B6, zinc deficiency and development of rheumatoid arthritis and liver disease can be caused by an excess of taurine over an extended period of time. Because the heart is the storage unit for the majority of taurine in the body, excess taurine for long periods can also be evidence of developing heart disease.
The Symptoms of Excess Dopamine
In amounts normally produced by the body, dopamine functions as a minor brain stimulant that primarily controls movement, and to a lesser degree blood circulation and metabolism. Dopamine also acts as a stimulant to the pleasure center of the brain. Symptoms of excess dopamine are similar to the effects of the chemicals itself, only more severe. These symptoms include increased movement/jittery feelings, dangerously increased rate of metabolism and recklessness caused by overstimulation of the pleasure center of the brain.
How to Fix Excess Taurine and Dopamine
Because both taurine and dopamine can be harmful in excessive amounts, certain steps should be taken to manage the amounts in the body. The first step is to control the ingestion of excess dopamine and taurine. If excess amounts of dopamine are ingested, the body will regulate the amount of dopamine in the brain within several hours; however, if symptoms such as muscle spasms, shaking hands or an irregular heartbeat are experienced, medical attention should be sought immediately.
If too much taurine is ingested, the body will regulate the amount in the blood within a few hours by excreting the excess taurine through the urine. Care must be taken not to maintain high levels of taurine over extended periods of time because it can lead to the possibility of liver disease and arthritis.