Signs & Symptoms of Caregiver Strain & Depression
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, a generalized anxiety disorder can be caused by environment or life situations. The caregiver is under tremendous pressure to see to every need of those under his or her care. This can be a very difficult strain and may lead to anxiety, a feeling of worry that everyone feels at one point or another. When anxiety becomes chronic, it can affect sleeping or even cause physical symptoms of headaches, heart palpitations or muscle tension.
A symptom of depression in a primary caregiver may include sadness and a disinterest in activities that were once pleasurable. Depressed caregivers may feel an overwhelming sadness without any real cause. Feeling sadness a majority of the time is a symptom of depression.
A caregiver who feels resentful or angry at those that she is responsible for may cause feelings of guilt. Guilt is a symptom of depression that leaves the victim feeling unworthy. According to Mary Britnall-Peterson, caregivers may view depression or sadness as a sign of weakness. This may lead to further feelings of guilt about their own emotional state.
Symptoms of caregiver strain include feelings of fatigue even with an adequate amount of rest. Some caregivers feel exhausted physically and emotionally. Attending to every need, physical and emotional, can be physically draining.
According to the Drexel University College of Medicine, outbursts of anger and irritability are common symptoms of depression. Caregivers suffering from depression may be subject to these sudden outbursts. A caregiver who is under constant strain and pressure feels anger and irritability on a regular basis.
Changes in Eating Patterns
Eating too much or too little is a depression symptom. When a caregiver is under strain or suffering from depression, there may be distinct changes in these eating patterns.
Changes in Sleeping Patterns
Depression causes disruptions to normal sleep patterns. This can include sleeping too much or not being able to sleep at all. This also leads to feelings of exhaustion and fatigue.