How to Make a Fearless Man
Expect and accept nothing but his best. Refrain from enabling him to use excuses to explain away his problems. This includes giving objective advice when he fails to meet goals, and not running to his rescue during difficult situations. Showing him that you believe in his abilities can inspire him to give maximum effort.
Encourage him to tackle obstacles. Teach him that meeting challenges helps build confidence and inspires follow-through. Help him set realistic goals of increasing difficulty. According to, working on goals in this progressive manner gives more opportunities for success. It can also place him in a pool of increasingly difficult competitors, which makes triumphs even more rewarding. Check his progress periodically to ensure that he stays on a path to meet standards.
Show him that failure isn’t the worst thing that can happen. Let him know that trying to complete goals is always better than simply quitting or failing to initiate an effort. Give examples of people that failed before achieving their goals. Suitable examples include Henry Ford, who produced the Model T after suffering two business failures, or Michael Jordan, who won five NBA MVP awards after failing to make his varsity basketball team as a sophomore.
Suggest ways for him to stray from his comfort zone. While it can be satisfying to benefit from your strong suits, excelling in your weaker areas can inspire greater confidence. Engage in ongoing dialogue about his likes and abilities to uncover areas that need sharpening. Examples include encouraging him to take music lessons if he’s never played an instrument, or suggesting that he take martial arts classes if he lacks physical prowess.