How to Convert a Bathtub to a Spa
You are a busy person. You are competent and under control when meeting the challenges of the day, but you find that there is very little time left for yourself. You find it hard to relax, and you are not sure how to go about correcting this. There are many ways to reduce stress, but they all have one thing in common: time spent on and with yourself. One way to create this essential alone time is to take a bath at least once a week. This not only allows the body to relax since the warm water will reduce tension in the muscles, but this time alone allows the mind to slow down for a little while. Turning your bathing area into a relaxing spa-like haven will augment the natural benefits of taking a bath, and it is relatively easy to achieve. A few simple household items can quickly transform an ordinary bath into a delightful indulgence.Things You'll Need
- Candles
- Decorative fabric
- Bath salts or bubble bath
- Portable CD player
- Relaxing CDs
- Soft towel
- Book or magazine
Clean your bathroom. It is imperative that you start with a clean, uncluttered area. Put away any supplies, extra shampoo bottles, hair brushes, toothpaste, and toothbrushes. Depersonalize the area: Conceal anything that reminds you that you are still in your house.
Redecorate the area. This is the fun part! Set up candles in various safe places in the bathroom. Putting candles in at least three different places will create a nice glow. Drape the decorative fabric over the window or spread it over something you wish to conceal. Arrange the bubble bath or bath salts in a place accessible from the bathtub. In a safe place, away from water, set up a portable CD player. Place a folded towel near the bathtub. Position the reading material you have selected near the bathtub as well.
Run hot water, slowly adding bubbles or bath salts. Fill up the tub and light the candles. Turn on some soft and relaxing music.
Finally, close the door. Mentally prepare yourself for at least half an hour alone, and enjoy!