How to Build Up Your Spirit
Volunteering is an excellent way to build up your spirit. It allows you to help those in need. It shows you that you have a lot to be grateful for. It also provides a social outlet for you to meet and interact with others who share your interest.
Attend a worship service. These come in all shapes and styles. There is bound to be one that fits you and what you believe in.
Turn on the radio and let the music feed your soul. The right melody or lyrics have the power to take you away to a better place.
Get some exercise. Take a long walk, participate in a yoga class, dance or play a game of tag. Getting the blood flowing will release neurotransmitters and endorphins which help you feel good.
Post motivational quotes throughout your house. Waking up to see empowering words of wisdom on your bathroom mirror can set the tone for a great day.
Find a partner and hold each other accountable. You might not recognize that your spirit could use a boost. A friend can give a fresh perspective. You can provide each other with inspiration and motivation.
Reconnect with someone you haven't talked to in a while. They can remind you of all the great times you shared together. With the Internet it's easier than ever to find a lost friend and reacquaint yourself with them.
Flip through a photo album. Many times we get caught up in the chaos of our lives. Looking back on a simpler, less stressful time can be just what you need to raise your spirits.