What Does Natural High Mean?
Feeling Inspired
Woman playing a harp. Natural forms of inspiring entertainment, such as hiking in the woods, fishing on a placid lake, playing musical instruments or listening to music, can all contribute to feelings of euphoria or an appreciation of life itself.
Eating the Proper Foods
Foods that can contribute to a natural high. Coffee, alcoholic beverages and drugs can make a person feel good, but these addictive substances create artificial highs that often end in an abrupt letdown. Eating a steady diet of fresh fruits and vegetables boosts the body's immune system and helps to regulate brain function and mood stability.
The brain regulates feelings of well-being. Neurotransmitters within the brain can have a profound effect on mood. These chemicals are released during various activities, such as having sex, eating delicious foods or watching an engaging movie, all of which produce natural highs.
Humans Are Social Animals
Two men gossiping. One way for humans to feel naturally high is to interact with one another in a positive way. Some researchers indicate that even sharing gossip stimulates endorphin production to produce a "high" or exhilaration.
Feel-Good Supplements
Vitamins and supplements balance brain chemistry. To be able to achieve a natural high, brain chemistry needs to be balanced and optimized. Taking supplements and vitamins daily may be necessary to achieve that balance.