Positive Options for Successful Thinking
3 Golden Keys
Brian Tracy, world famous sales trainer and peak performance coach, believes that the keys to successful thinking are clarity, competence and concentration. Clarity means that you possess a clear vision about who you are, what you want and where you're going. How you perform at your life's work is a measure of your competence; the better you perform, the higher your self-esteem and the more positive your thinking becomes. Concentration is a measure of how long and intense you can focus on a given task. You can improve your concentration by playing games such as chess or doing crossword puzzles. This in turn raises your self-efficacy, your self-esteem and the quality of positive thinking you experience.
The Release Technique
The Release Technique was developed by physicist Lester Levinson, who was told by his doctor that he only had a short while to live. Penniless, Levinson found himself in a deep depression wondering how he could he end up in such dire straits despite his education. Soon, he had an epiphany and realized that all disease and failure was the result of negative feelings bottled up deep within our bodies. These emotions, he surmised, break your body down and keep you from living a high-quality life. The method he discovered asks you to go deep within your thoughts to address your guilt, shame, anger, sadness or humiliation. Once you are aware of your negative emotion you are to "release" it allowing positive emotions like joy, happiness, gratitude and love to take its place. Users of the Release Technique have reported that they have become successful millionaires, free of emotional trauma, empowered for the first time in their lives, cured from cancer or free from crippling diseases.
Bill Harris formed the Centerpointe Research Institute to develop a pioneering method of meditation that is based on Holosync technology. Harris, who was impoverished and addicted to drugs most of his life, employed meditation to help overcome his self-defeating behaviors and attitudes. The process was slow but he had a breakthrough when he discovered Holosync technology. This technology--the world's first 3-D sound technology--activates and stimulates parts of the brain resulting in increased awareness of one's self, particularly negative thoughts. Harris then discovered that once an individual's awareness was heightened he could discover the negative thoughts running on auto pilot in his mind and discard them for more productive, positive thoughts. This technology has helped millions of people all over the world build more awareness in their consciousness resulting in a more empowered lifestyle.
Adding It All Up
If you have ever wondered "Why am I not accomplishing more with my life or feeling more joy?" then it is likely that on some level you are engaging in negative, self-sabotaging behavior. The good news is that using just one of these approaches can help you make progress in relationships, money, career or personal satisfaction. There is very little to keep you from accomplishing all you want other than your thinking. Resolve now to use one of these approaches to increase the level of positive thinking in your life and you will find yourself gathering momentum and achieving success.