How to Start an Unemployment Support Group

Unemployment is quite stressful and those who find themselves at such a point need support. When job security is lost, the former employee experiences increased stress. Along with this rise in stress levels comes a need for a strong and consistent support system. During this time, your need to feel valued, empowered and hopeful for your future continues uninterrupted. Support groups are designed to help you get to the next step in your career with your self-esteem intact.

Things You'll Need

  • Meeting room
  • Flyers
  • Dues
  • Members
  • Facilitator
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    • 1

      Conduct research to determine the best location to conduct the unemployment support group. Choose a place that attracts members and is easy to get to, such as a church, meeting hall or office suite with suitable parking accommodations.

    • 2

      Plan the group's format; time, day, frequency and length of meetings. Decide which day of the week is best for your meetings and the number of times per month that the meeting will assemble. Example: The Unemployment Support Group meets every Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. for eight weeks. Try to choose a time when members are able to commit to the group on a consistent basis. Consider job hunting and interviews usually take place from 9am-5pm.

    • 3

      Decide on the group's mission or the goals that the unemployment support group wishes to meet. You might choose to discuss feelings or the effect of joblessness on family, finances, mood or self-esteem. Another possible goal is to network for job openings or learn job hunting strategies.

    • 4

      Elect a facilitator who models confidence. Give the group a sense of continuity by electing someone with strength, character and a optimistic outlook on life to motivate members to move forward. It is easy for members to fall into feelings of self-pity during this time unless there is a strong and supportive leader to help them move forward.

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      Decide on amount on the funding that's needed to operate the group at a particular location during the duration of the support group. Either collect donations from the members or charge dues; check tax laws and legal issues regarding dues and/or donations. Pay for the meeting room and/or purchase refreshments with the collected funds.

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      Decide on special events or speakers. Invite local business persons to speak to your support group to provide hope. Make sure that the speakers know what the members are going through, for instance, invite persons who, at some point, experienced a job loss.

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      Advertise your group. Attract members by sending announcements about your unemployment support group to churches, unemployment offices, and corporations informing them of the group's existence. Also, advertise in your local and state newspapers and local magazines; post flyers on bulletin boards designed for such a purpose.

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