The Sedona Method of Letting Go
Benefits of the Sedona Method
Once practiced, you may take advantage of the many benefits of the Sedona Method. Some of the benefits include clarity, inner peace, increased productivity, stress relief, healthier relationships, freedom from fear, spiritual growth, and healing of unresolved traumas.
The method is simple to learn and can be applied to everyday life.
Four Ways of Letting Go
According to, the first four ways of approaching the process of letting go include first allowing yourself to release unwanted emotions instantly and letting the suppressed feelings in your subconscious dispel. Just like letting go of objects and allowing them to drop, you can do the same thing with emotions--drop them and let go. The second way involves welcoming the feeling; just let the emotion be. The third way is diving into the center of the feeling or emotion. Deep and strong feelings are only on the surface. Diving into its core will allow you to discover silence and peace. The fourth way is the holistic releasing of all sides of a belief or issue. This means that you should notice that your emotion is defined by its opposite. In other words, if you feel sad, the sadness is defined by the opposite, or feeling happy. The Sedona Method believes that if you welcome both the emotion and its opposite--the happiness and the sadness, for example--both emotions will dissolve and leave you free.
Fifth Way of Releasing
The fifth way is the latest addition to the method of letting go. According to the fifth way, the person that you are now, or the presence that you have, is the person you have always been and always will be. The presence that you have thus dictates how you experience all emotions and events.
Your presence can also be referred to as knowingness because it is the recognition of nothingness that allows you to fully experience things. Your thinking, when influenced by your beliefs with false references of ourselves, is only limited and will gradually dissipate. What surfaces is your direct awareness of what is here and now. Thinking becomes more reflective and becomes naturally aligned to self-awareness. This will shine through in your mind as clear reasoning. It is through complete acceptance and knowingness that one can authentically release or let go.