Definition of a Bereavement Support Group

When someone experiences the loss of a loved one, it can take years to heal. Sometimes it's helpful to join a bereavement support group to discuss one's feelings, offer support to others and get support when going through a hard time.
  1. Peer Group

    • Bereavement groups are made up of people who have experienced similar circumstances and are categorized as peer groups.


    • These groups take place in hospitals, at hospices, at mental health agencies or at someone's home.


    • Bereavement groups are sometimes organized by the relationship to the loved one such as siblings, parents or children.


    • Most bereavement groups are led by licensed mental-health professionals who also practice therapy. However, the group's participants usually interject, make comments and lead the group as much as the therapist.


    • The focus of these groups ranges from research-based interventions to education by other group members to learning how to cope with a loved one's death.

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