How to Meditate With Eyes Open
Start a practice by intending to meditate with your eyes open on a regular basis. Initially you may choose a place and time where you are relatively free of distractions, or you may find a more spontaneous practice works for you. When you feel ready, take the practice into life experiences such as waiting for the bus and preparing dinner.
Choose an object on which to focus during meditation. It's not essential, but see whether it helps. It can be an item that has significance to you or something simple like a spoon or toothbrush.
Begin by sitting or lying in a comfortable position that you can maintain for about 15 minutes. You do not have to meditate this long, but allow yourself the time to do so in case you are really enjoying yourself. Meditating with the eyes open promotes a full awareness through paying attention to how you feel, so adjust your position as necessary.
Bring your attention into your breathing. Intentionally feel the inhale, exhale and small space in between. Continue to feel into your breath and bring your attention deeper into your body. Imagine your breath extending beyond your body and notice the connection between yourself and your surroundings.
Notice any sensations you feel. Notice your thoughts and feelings. You do not need to change what you notice; simply notice it. This may be difficult, so continue focusing on and feeling your breath to release attachment from any distractions that come up. Focusing on the breath allows you to stay in touch with your body, deepening your awareness and allowing you to continue the meditation.
Move your eyes to view your surroundings. Notice any judgments you make. Treat them like clouds floating by as if you are the sky. Continue deliberate focus on your breathing.
Bring your attention into your hands while staying still. This begins an attempt to feel your life energy. You may notice tingling, warmth, coolness or spaciousness in the parts of your body as you move your attention around. Continue up your arms, neck, head, down your chest, abdomen, legs and feet. If you get distracted simply focus on your breath, even using the words "in" and "out" if you find that helpful.
Experiment with meditation as you move around, talk and write. This will help you see how meditating while doing things can enhance your life experience.
Prepare to finish the meditation. Take a few moments to notice how you feel and thank yourself for participating in the practice. Meditating with your eyes open creates the opportunity for you to relax in any setting such as the bathroom, office, or even a store. Take the relaxed feeling with you as you continue on your day.