How to Create a Guided Visualization
Things You'll Need
- Paper/Writing instrument
- Computer/Printer
- Relaxing music
- Recording device
Determine the desired outcome of the visualization. Consider your audience and how they will receive the visualization. If you will be present to answer questions or provide guidance, you may create the visualization with less explanation.
Some possible goals for visualization might be self-healing, connecting with helping spirits or guides, connecting with the feeling of new things or experiences in life, experiencing deep relaxation, exploring areas of the body or energy, combining mental knowledge with body experience through associating colors with the energy of the body, or developing a safe, devoted space for one's well-being.
Brainstorm possible questions that could arise while guiding the visualization, and develop explanations or alternate ways of describing the visualization to answer the questions. For example, some people may ask if they have to visualize a certain scene, and you can answer that it works best to visualize in a way that feels good, rather than exactly as guided.
Thinking with the end in mind, imagine how you will start the visualization journey. Choose a setting or an experience that you will be leading people to and any music you would like in the background.
Begin with an exercise of conscious breathing to feel into the body and energy body, being aware of the inhale and exhale. Encourage participants to note bodily sensations as the breath comes in and out, feeling how the breath expands beyond the lungs and belly. Continue with the conscious breathing exercise for a few minutes before beginning the guided visualization.
Determine in steps the progression of the visualization: What comes first? What comes next? How will you wrap up the exercise? Many people become very relaxed during a guided visualization and may benefit from a gentle waking exercise at the end that reminds them to return to present-moment consciousness.
Write down, type or record the visualization while allowing space for participants to relax in between guided statements. Remind people to focus on their breath if they get distracted or feel uncomfortable sensations.
Create specific visualizations whenever you want to use the power of your mind to enhance your life in various areas of intention, relaxation and healing.