How to Cope With Retirement
Create a list of things you want to do during retirement. Make sure you have many activities and events to anticipate. Combine big events that will provide months of expectancy, such as taking a cruise or purchasing a decked-out RV, with smaller daily pursuits, such as taking a cake-decorating class or playing golf with your friends. Having numerous endeavors to look forward to will help you feel happier and more relaxed.
Exercise every day. According to a report by Arizona State University, regular exercise reduces anxiety and depression. It also improves self-esteem, helps you sleep better and maintains or improves your health. Find forms of exercise that you enjoy and try to get in some form of physical activity daily.
Get plenty of rest and relaxation. Take an afternoon nap, recline and listen to soothing music or practice deep breathing exercises. Adequate sleep and proper relaxation will reduce stress, improve your outlook and be better equipped to handle the low times that retirement often brings.
Stay connected. Call or email a former co-worker and make an appointment to meet for lunch. Pay a visit to your neighbor. Spend the day with your kids or grandkids. Building and maintaining healthy relationships will make the transition from workplace to retirement much smoother, and your network of friends and family members will help you feel supported.
Give to your community. Perhaps the best way to do away with feelings of stress, anxiety and depression that often accompany the changes of retirement is by serving others. Volunteer for an organization that is close to your heart. By giving of your time and your energy, not only will you realize how much you have to be thankful for, but also you will once again feel needed and purposeful.