How to Get Rid of Anxiety & Stress in Your Life

Stress and anxiety are different sides of the same coin. Stress is a challenging event or circumstance, while anxiety is the emotional response to that event. Not all stress is bad, and it is possible to have stress without anxiety. Anxiety also serves an important protective function: It signals that something is wrong so that we can move out of a potentially dangerous situation. It is not possible to eliminate stress entirely, but we can retrain our thinking to better cope with stress and significantly reduce anxiety.


    • 1

      Breathe. Inhale deeply, through your nose and fill your lungs to capacity. Hold your breath for one second and then exhale, slowly, through your mouth. Repeat at least five times.

    • 2

      Identify the source of the anxiety. Take a mental step back and assess the situation with as much detachment as possible. Determine exactly what about the situation is triggering your anxiety.

    • 3

      Dissect the stress. Break the situation down into manageable parts and focus on resolving one aspect, rather than overwhelming yourself with the whole situation.

    • 4

      Think positive. Find the silver lining in the situation or look at the situation as an opportunity to grow, as opposed to a threat.

    • 5

      Focus on the things that you can control and influence. Focus on managing your reaction to the situation, not the actions of others.

    • 6

      Give yourself permission to say no. Set healthy boundaries and balance your own needs against the demands of others.

    • 7

      Get away from the situation. Sometimes the best course of action is to walk away. While it might feel strange, and even frightening, doing so can actually relieve the anxiety. Walking away also can help you better assess the situation.

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