Techniques for Stress and Emotional Exhaustion
Express Your Feelings
Express your feelings on paper. Spend a few minutes every day writing about the stressful things that happened to you. Write about the emotional effects these events had on you. It will help you determine exactly what is bothering you, and may help you discover the right way to handle the issue, thus reducing your stress level.
Let your feelings out. Do not keep them bottled up inside of you. Of course, you should be considerate of other people's feelings, but it is important to talk, laugh, cry, or even express your anger when the need arises. You might feel better if you talked to a clergy member or your best friend.
Do Something You Enjoy
People become wrapped up in their work or daily obligations and forget to do things they like to do. They will tell themselves that they are too busy to go camping, or spend time on a project that is not essential. It is imperative that you take the time to enjoy yourself.
Doing something for yourself is a great stress buster. If you have a pet, spend time with it. Take up gardening, knitting or sewing. Think of it this way: If you take the time you need to relax and enjoy yourself, you may actually get more work done.
Focus on the Present
If you spend time regretting things, your stress level will rise. Remember, you cannot change one single thing that has already happened. You are wasting your precious time if you are worried about things that happened in the past.
Meditation is a way to relax and enjoy yourself in the moment. Just focus on what is happening right now. Forget about all of the stressful and emotionally draining things that happened to you today.
Concentrate on your breathing. Feel the air coming in and out, taking your mind off everything except your breaths. After a bit, imagine yourself in a place where you would like to be. Picture its scenery in your mind, and recall its sounds.