How to Cope With Airplane Anxiety
Stay away from stimulants such as caffeine or energy drinks before boarding the airplane and during the flight, as these can help trigger a nervous, fearful response during flight.
Talk to your doctor about anti-anxiety medications that may help before and during a flight. Whether you are typically an anxious person or are nervous only about air travel, medication may help. Sometimes simply knowing that you have the medication with you can provide the peace of mind needed to get through the flight.
Use muscle relaxation techniques when you feel your muscles tightening before or during a flight. Tighten the various muscles that are tensed, hold, and let go to release the tension.
Try breathing techniques whenever you feel fear taking over. Draw air into your lungs so as to expand the stomach rather than the chest, filling your lungs as completely as possible. Hold the breath briefly, then slowly exhale. This type of controlled breathing should help calm you and remind you that you are in charge of your body's reactions.
Think positive and remind yourself that airplane security measures are extremely effective in ensuring the safety of millions of passengers every day. If you find yourself preoccupied with negative or fearful thoughts during a flight, refocus on the positive, for example the destination you will soon reach. Keep your mind busy by reading a good book, doing a crossword puzzle or conversing with your neighbor.