Procedure for Goal Setting
Your Present Reality
Go into goal-setting with a focus toward zeroing in on a direction. The point of this process isn't to make a solid, unmoving plan for life, but to have guidance and to see what you want with clarity. Thinking of goals as a way to define the future creates a feeling of frustration or failure if the outcome doesn't come to pass. "Treat goal-setting as a way to enhance your present reality, not as a way to control the future," Pavlina says.
The SMART Path
The University of New Hampshire counseling center advises people to think SMART when goal-setting: specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic and time-oriented. By narrowing in on what you want and thinking of ways to act that will bring about the end product, there will be less chance of meaningless goals. Keeping goals close to reality and restricted to some form of time frame will also make it easier to stay focused.
Process Not Outcome
Formulate your goal language in ways that affirm both the process and you. This means using affirmative phrasing and words and keeping away from can't, shouldn't, couldn't and other negative words. "Goals based on outcomes are extremely vulnerable to failure because of things beyond your control (bad weather, injury, or just plain bad luck). If goals are based on personal performance, skills or knowledge, you can ... draw satisfaction from them," states the University of New Hampshire counseling office.
Write It Out
Because these goals are potentially going to be with you for a while, make them important and visually attractive. The purpose of this part of the process is to create a list that you'll want to look at again and again. Use good ink, nice paper or creative fonts that catch your attention and draw you in. Take your time writing out the affirmative phrases, reading them aloud once you're done. This part of the process can be very fulfilling, and can also act as a ritual that launches your new focus on success.
Appreciate the Outcome
The last part of goal-setting is to be cognizant of the achievement of the goal, or lack thereof. There's much to be learned from the process, even if it ends in failure. If things ended up with a good outcome, then take the time to honor the win and enjoy the satisfaction. At this point, you might wish to change other goals that haven't happened yet to reflect the new results of this process.