How to Release the Power of the Subconcious Mind
If you would like to affect lasting and transformational thinking, you'll be successful when you've changed the messages the mind is playing continually at the subconscious level. The great news is that these mental tapes can be re-recorded at will with a bit of patience and persistence.
Things You'll Need
- 15 to 20 minutes of uninterrupted quiet time
- Tape recorder
- Soothing music or nature sounds
- Comfortable seat in a quiet uncluttered space
- Journal and pen/pencil
Subconscious Programming Exercise
Write down the habits and behaviors you want to change. Be specific. For example, instead of eating healthier food you can be more honest with yourself by saying that you often feel lonely, sad or unattractive and turn to food for comfort and security.
Now that you are clear about a specific feeling or behavior to address, counter that behavior with the thought, knowledge or feeling that you know would eradicate it. For example, if you find that you are using food to comfort feelings of inadequacy, the counter thought or feeling would be one of worthiness and intrinsic value separate of circumstances.
Formulate a statement to yourself using the counter thought you just created. In the aforementioned instance, a good statement would be: " I am worthy of the friendship and company of others. I add value wherever I am simply because I am myself." This may sound like rhetoric to some, but the truth is your subconscious mind is always playing similar thoughts that you respond to all the time. The only difference is that you are now going to deliberately program messages that serve your happiness and success rather than being a slave to messages from the past.
Tape record this statement to yourself. Record your message ten times, with a ten second pause between repetitions.
Sit comfortably in a clear space with your eyes closed and play the recording for your self while soothing plays softly. Set the recording to repeat for a total of 15 to 20 minutes.
Repeat Step 5 every morning for 7 days. You will see a notable difference in your impulses and responses that all arise form the programming of your subconscious mind. Enjoy the feeling of deliberate control over your thoughts and actions!