How to Hypnotize Yourself & Others

The human brain is naturally capable of hypnotizing itself. You are in a state of hypnosis when you listen to music, drive or when you are falling asleep. Hypnosis is basically a state of heightened concentration and relaxation. The same process of self-hypnotism can be applied to hypnotize another person, if the other person is willing. The technique is best used for relaxation.


  1. Hypnotize Yourself

    • 1

      Lie down. Sit if you think you will fall asleep while lying down.

    • 2

      Close your eyes and take a deep breath in order to relax yourself.

    • 3

      Relax each part of your body. Relax your feet, legs, hips, stomach, back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands, fingers, head, face, eyes, lips, and tongue to relax.

    • 4

      Count slowly from 10 to one. Tell yourself to relax even more between each number. Once you reach the number one, you will be in a deep state of concentration. In this state of hypnosis, focus on your breathing in order relax.

    • 5

      End the hypnosis session by counting from one to 10 with the goal of being fully awake, relaxed and ready to continue your day upon reaching 10.

    Hypnotizing Someone Else

    • 6

      Have the subject lie down. Have him sit if he thinks he will fall asleep while lying down.

    • 7

      Speak in a soothing, but not necessarily a monotone, voice. Tell your subject to close his eyes and take a deep breath in order to relax.

    • 8

      Tell him to relax his feet. Then tell him to relax his legs, hips, stomach, back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands, fingers, head, face, eyes, lips and tongue.

    • 9

      Count slowly from 10 to one. Tell him to relax even more between each number. Tell him that once you reach the number one, he will be in a deep state of hypnosis.

    • 10

      Count from one to 10 to end the hypnosis session. Tell him he will be fully awake and ready to continue his day when you reach 10.

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