How to Hypnotize Yourself & Others
Hypnotize Yourself
Lie down. Sit if you think you will fall asleep while lying down.
Close your eyes and take a deep breath in order to relax yourself.
Relax each part of your body. Relax your feet, legs, hips, stomach, back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands, fingers, head, face, eyes, lips, and tongue to relax.
Count slowly from 10 to one. Tell yourself to relax even more between each number. Once you reach the number one, you will be in a deep state of concentration. In this state of hypnosis, focus on your breathing in order relax.
End the hypnosis session by counting from one to 10 with the goal of being fully awake, relaxed and ready to continue your day upon reaching 10.
Hypnotizing Someone Else
Have the subject lie down. Have him sit if he thinks he will fall asleep while lying down.
Speak in a soothing, but not necessarily a monotone, voice. Tell your subject to close his eyes and take a deep breath in order to relax.
Tell him to relax his feet. Then tell him to relax his legs, hips, stomach, back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands, fingers, head, face, eyes, lips and tongue.
Count slowly from 10 to one. Tell him to relax even more between each number. Tell him that once you reach the number one, he will be in a deep state of hypnosis.
Count from one to 10 to end the hypnosis session. Tell him he will be fully awake and ready to continue his day when you reach 10.