How to Have Faith in Tough Times
Step 1) Having faith when you are prospering is not difficult--having faith when the world seems to be collapsing is a whole different story. The first step in having faith in tough times is BEING AWARE OF YOUR MOODS. When times were good, you were happy--when times are bad, you are sad. Why not make the conscious decision to be happy all the time regardless of your situation? This is an easy decision that will change your life.
Step 2) The second step in having faith in difficult times is BEING AWARE OF HOW ABUNDANT YOUR LIFE IS. Are you healthy? Are you married? Do you have a home? Do you have children? Take on an attitude of gratitude--look at all the things in your life that are working and stop focusing on the things that are not.
Step 3) The third step in having faith in difficult times is RELYING ON OTHERS FOR SUPPORT. You can't do it all and you don't know all the answers so ask others who might know more than you. I hope this has been a helpful article on how to have faith in difficult times. Good luck!