What is Mental Toughness?
Mental toughness is holding a mental advantage over your competitor while maintaining the ability to produce during high-pressure situations, along with the strength to excel after a setback, utilizing the skills to produce results even when the chance of success is low.
There are at least five characteristics of mental toughness: focus, motivation, confidence, courage and resiliency.
Focus and Motivation
The ability to concentrate on the task at hand, ignore distractions and focus are important characteristics of mental toughness. Those who cannot stay focused could mentally collapse. Motivation ties in with focus, because lost motivation usually results from a loss of or change in focus.
Strong belief in one's self leads to a belief in the ability to succeed. Confidence is necessary because the mentally tough will at times find themselves fighting against the odds.
Courage and Resiliency
Being courageous means the person acts to get the job done, even when he is scared of the odds. Mental toughness takes a great deal of courage and resiliency as the person sees the job through to the end, regardless of fear or other obstacles.
Developing Mental Toughness
Set small challenges every day. The mind will begin to learn mental toughness and be ready to accept bigger challenges as the days go by. Learn to bounce back quickly. Keep an eye on the goal. Look for opportunities to take control of a situation.