Five Types of Conflict
Relationship conflicts are the result of people having mis-perceptions, mis-communication, stereotypes, negative behavior, and negative emotions.
Data conflicts are caused by being misinformed, not having enough information to make good decisions and determining what data is relevant. Conflict can also arise when there is disagreement on information collection and communication.
Interest conflicts are caused by one person trying to get their needs met at the expense of another person. These conflicts might result from issues about money, respect, or trust.
Structural conflicts come from outside factors such as geographic or time constraints, limited resources, or organizational changes. These conflicts are often resolved by understanding how structural conflict contributes to disputes.
Value conflicts stem from people having different beliefs about right and wrong. When one person tries to force their beliefs onto others, value conflict is the result.
Pseudo conflict is when someone thinks there is a conflict when there really is none. This conflict arises from a misunderstanding.