Mental Detox
Establish a Pure Environment
Anxiety is one of the key features of a clouded mind and many people report absorbing a great deal of anxiety from hectic or stressful environments. One of the first things you can do to help detoxify your mind is to establish an orderly environment. Try cleaning your house, your car and your office. Spend a weekend preparing a week-long stress free environment for yourself by picking out clothing to wear ahead of time, planning your meals and shopping for them in advance. Avoid toxins like junk food, alcohol and drugs. This will free your energy up so that you can focus on the core issues that are making you feel stressed out or cloudy headed.
Investigate Your Psyche
Once you have established a space in which you feel no anxiety you may begin exploring yourself to determine the root causes of your symptoms. One way to do this is through practical exercises. Get a pen and paper and begin making a list of your fears. Allow yourself to follow your train of thought and elaborate on your individual fears. Pay close attention to fears that seem particular but are actually rooted in a more basic fear. As you are doing this exercise try to accept certain fundamental truths like "you are not perfect" and "life is what you make of it." You will find these truths become apparent intuitively. As you observe certain fears dissipate in the face of your realizations find creative ways to make reminders for yourself to encourage the presence of this clarity in your life.
Another excellent exercise is to explore your dreams. As you are going to sleep tell yourself that you are going to have a dream that night. This often encourages dreaming. Keep a notebook by your bed and when you awaken from a dream make the effort to write it down for analysis later. Observe the relationships between your dreams and your fears.
Meditation is excellent process for increasing mental clarity. A good meditation to do alone is to sit in a comfortable position with low lighting and close your eyes. Ask yourself a very simple question like "why am I hear?" Allow yourself to answer the question and then immediately question your answers. You will be amazed at how quickly you arrive at the core questions in your life. Take note of these primary concerns and allow them to become present in your evaluation of life. You can also look for meditation classes in your neighborhood for increased focus on this exercise. Allow your meditations to address your dreams and your fears.