How to Live Alive
Living this way, however, is no easy endeavor. Our world is full of pressures that will leech every last bit of life from our souls if given the chance: sit down, shut up, stand in line, work hard, get recognized, get ahead, fall in love, buy a house, start a garden, save money, save the economy, save the world. We strive, we reach, we push--but even so--we fail, we fall, we feel like it's useless sometimes.
We try to stay our course, we do the best we can, but slowly, slowly, slowly--without a second glance or conscious notice--we find ourselves stuck in a rut or plodding along dead-end paths--with our innocence lost and our ambition depleted. If this feels like you, despair no more!
These tips will show you how to reenergize your spirit and live alive again.
Commit. Living alive is not something that happens naturally for most of us. It requires dedication and regular practice. Renew your commitment to living alive by waking up every morning and exclaiming: "I am alive! I am alive! I am alive!"
Banish negativity in all its forms. Gossip, self-criticism, hatred of others, fear, worry and impatience are just some of the many ways that negativity creeps into our lives. Negativity is the fuel of death, the lifeblood of evil. Be on guard for any negativity that appears in your thoughts, speech or actions--and immediately switch gears to the positive.
Be thankful of the "smallest" gifts. Not sure how to immediately switch gears to the positive? A simple way is to acknowledge all the blessings in your life that you have been taking for granted. When we get comfortable in life we starting taking things for granted, and when we take things for granted we are living dead by allowing ourselves to remain blind to the abundance that fills our lives. What are some things you can be grateful for right now? A heart that beats, toes that wiggle, lips that smile, air that nourishes your lungs, food and water that keep you alive.
Do one new thing every week. What will yours be this week? Keep track and write about your experiences.
Seek out possibilities. If one of the doors in your life closes, be diligent about finding another one that is open. Life is full of opportunity at every moment. All you have to do is see it and seize it.
Feel your feelings fully. Even our most uncomfortable feelings--or perhaps especially our most uncomfortable feelings--have important lessons to teach us. Be open to exploring the totality of whatever feelings come your way--and use them as fuel to propel you through growth to your fullest potential.
Quiet your mind by breathing, mediating, praying, walking, singing, dancing or leaping for joy. An overactive mind is usually a source of misery. The more you move your body, the more you nourish your soul, the more you learn to let your mind be quiet and still--the more alive you will feel.
Surround yourself with people who lift you up, who see your beauty, who listen, who encourage. Do not allow selfish, arrogant, violent or ignorant people into your life.