Stress Relieving Foods & Exercises
According to Tara Geise, a registered dietitian, there are many foods that help reduce stress. Asparagus, for instance, is high in folic acid that helps stabilize your mood by increasing your serotonin levels. Beef, with its high level of zinc, iron and B vitamins, also stabilize moods. Milk and cottage cheese fight stress throughout the day by staving off free radicals with their antioxidants. Add blueberries to the cottage cheese to make an even more potent stress-fighting compound, as blueberries contain plenty of antioxidants and vitamin C. Eating almonds can give you something to dig into, plus they are full of vitamins C and E, which have been shown to diminish stress-induced free radicals as well.
Physical Exercises
Stress can be relieved through physical exercises such as aerobics and yoga. When physically challenging the body, exercise releases endorphins that make us feel good and reduce stress. Get the heart pumping and endorphins flowing by doing aerobic activities such as walking, jogging or running. Aerobics classes, sports and dancing can also help relieve stress. Yoga and other stretching exercises stimulate receptors in the nervous system that reduce the production of stress hormones. Stretching also relaxes muscles and helps increase blood flow. Yoga, while stretching and challenging the body, relaxes the mind.
Mental Exercises
Relaxing the mind also relieves stress. When feeling the onslaught of stress, breathe in deeply and count to four whilst holding your breath. Release the air slowly and do this two to four times per session with as many sessions during the day as needed to relax the mind. Practice progressive relaxation to help you get to sleep after a stressful day. Start by telling your toes to relax and once they relax, move slowly up the body, relaxing every part, from your feet to ankles, to calves and knees and so on.