Tips to Maintain a Positive Attitude
Maintaining a positive attitude is beneficial because it actually contributes to your personal success in your home and career. You will have more energy, a greater reserve of inner power and strength, and more respect from those who live and work around you. There is nothing to lose by being positive.
Rule Out Clinical Depression
First, be sure you are not clinically depressed. If you are constantly sad or down for more than a couple of days, you should probably consult your doctor to find out if you are depressed. Typically, depression can be controlled by medication and therapy. So, your first step should always be to rule out depression.
Choose to be Optimistic
Choose optimism. Happiness is a choice. You can not control the actions of the driver who cut you off on your way to work or the actions of your spouse. However, you can definitely control your reaction. You can either choose to respond immediately in anger, or take a little bit of time to cool down and reassess the situation. At that point, you can remind yourself of the positive things in your life and choose to remain optimistic.
Find Positive Friends
Have friends who are optimistic, happy people. If you are constantly hanging around someone who complains or if your closest friends are always feeling down, their attitudes are likely to rub off on you. If you eat lunch with co-workers who always complain about the boss, you will probably also begin to complain. On the other hand, if you have a friend who is cheerful and positive, you are more likely to maintain a positive attitude yourself.
Get Enough Rest
Go to bed on time. Getting enough sleep will help your day go significantly more smoothly. Staying up late and then having to get up for work early will only make you more of a grumpy and negative person. It is proven that quality and quantity of sleep is key to a good attitude.
Focus on Helping Others
Help someone else out. If you are constantly negative, part of it could be because you are focusing only on yourself and your needs, rather than doing good things for others. Go help serve food in a homeless shelter. Become a Big Brother or Big Sister. Volunteer for your place of worship or your local community service organization. When you do good for others, your own attitude improves.
Enjoy Your Loved Ones
Laugh and spend quality time with those you love. Take a walk with your children or your spouse. Exercise always will elevate your mood. Tickle your children. Make love with your spouse or go out to dinner together. Do something fun. Spending time with loved ones is one of the most positive things you can do.