How to Start a Personal Development Journey
Things You'll Need
- Journal
Gain internal motivation. Read inspiring stories, watch spiritual movies, attend motivational workshops, and network with others who match your interests in personal development. Set a focused intention to improve your life and develop yourself in the highest and best way.
Beautify your external world. Start with the basics by refreshing your haircut, wardrobe, food stock, and home environment. De-clutter and let go of anything that is outdated, that no longer serves a purpose, or that physically or energetically blocks you from moving on. Replace such objects with health-promoting and spiritually inspiring objects or designs.
Conquer one major life area. Prioritize the imbalances in your life and pick the life aspect that requires the most immediate attention. Focus on what you can change and control, not what you can't. Be flexible regarding outcomes and express gratitude for the opportunities that present themselves.
Maintain privacy and set boundaries. Your self-growth journey is personal and should be respected as such. As you transform your inner and outer worlds, it's important to keep your business to yourself to avoid naysayers or non-supportive friends and family. Have enough confidence to say "no" to others who want you to compromise your integrity, efforts, or willpower.
Share your accomplishments. When your endeavors result in substantive rewards, for example when you land your dream job or start dating a wonderful companion, then you can let others in on your secrets to success. Use your quest as a tool to enlighten others and increase the world's consciousness.