What Are Five Types of Self-Realization Stress Relievers?
Importance of Self-Realization
What does "self-realization stress relievers" actually mean? First, let's break down the first part of that title. "Self realization" is the development or fulfillment of one's potential. We all have potential, and some reach it faster or more effectively than others. Some never reach or even come close to their full potential. Or is potential just an illusion? Philosophers will argue on the subject, but most believe that potential is the illustration of what and who you would be, not if you did everything correctly but almost everything correctly. "Self-realization" implies that people are capable of reaching their full potential but external obstacles hold them back from reaching their full potential.
Understanding One's Self: Physical Activity
Self-realization will teach you more about who you are, your strengths and weaknesses, and what or where you want to be in, say, one year from now. A variety of exercises exist to help improve self-realization as well as to relieve stress. One of the most popular and common types of self-realization stress relievers is a physical activity such as a sport. When individuals compete in sports they reduce a lot of built-up stress and anxiety. Individuals also learn not only how to recognize and understand their physical well being and limits but also their mental and spiritual well-being. Do your best to set aside time every day for physical activity. If you cannot meet that demand, focus on three to four days each week.
Recognize "The Sabbath"
"The Sabbath" is recognized by Jewish cultures as well as Christianity as a day of rest. The Bible even explains that on the seventh day (believed by many to be Sunday), "the Lord rested." Many who believe in the Bible take that as a cue to observe one day of rest each week, and while you do not need to be a Christian to observe this day, you can take one huge lesson from this great work. Respect the value of relaxation and rest. It's easy to get really worked up and always think you need to something important or beneficial. Turn off the PDA and ignore the email for one complete day each week. It should completely take your mind off of work, which often builds up stress.
Social Work and Helping Others
When individuals participate in social work and helping others in need, they not only help out those who need it the most but they also help out their own personal being. Individuals find a lot of soul-searching and personal growth in social work. You learn to appreciate everything you have and find blessings in even the most simple luxuries such as food, water and housing. You also help out others, and they express their gratitude for your help. An important phase in the self-realization process is removing personal pride and understanding it's not all about you. Once you lose that sense of pride, you'll automatically reduce stress on a daily level.
Do New Things
It's important to keep up with old hobbies because you have and will likely always enjoy them. Reading books, watching movies and playing video games are all useful hobbies that keep your mind active and the stress down. However, you should really spice things up in your life. Do something, anything, for the very first and last time--do something exciting. Have you ever wanted to climb a 14-footer (14,000 foot mountain)? What about an exotic trip to the Amazon? How about jumping out of a plane from over the Midwest? It doesn't have to be life-threatening or dangerous, but do something that is new and unique to your lifestyle.
Improve the Spiritual Well Being
The spiritual well-being means many different things to many different people. Individuals that are actively religious always seek and, it is hoped, find spiritual well-being in the god or gods they worship and the fellowship with other like-minded believers. Others who do not believe in a god or who are not active in religion may find spiritual-well being in yoga or other personal self-realization techniques. However, even yoga has spiritual foundations in several religions, so often it's impossible to avoid religion altogether. Regardless, the whole meaning behind religion and spirituality is to discover one's self and to become closer to what and who you are. Make sure you set aside time for the spirit. If you lack getting in touch with your spiritual well-being, you may never truly understand complete self-realization and relieve stress all that drastically.