Effectiveness of Group Anger Management Techniques
Retraining you mind
We are often confronted with stressful circumstances. Two types of situations can be catalysts for anger: when we are suffering hardship or disappointment; or when we are belittled or mistreated by others. The solution is to acknowledge your stress and retrain yourself to react differently. Instead of being angry and negative when life's problems arise, cultivate a victorious attitude. Patient acceptance is the cure to uncontrolled anger. We must be willing to face our problems and think of our viable options rationally instead of habitually responding with rage because things are not going our way or someone treated us poorly.
Attitude is altitude
The A J Novick Group teaches anger management students to think about their problems realistically instead of indulging in uncontrolled anger. Participants are taught to seek solutions to problems instead of wasting precious time and energy fuming. They are taught to use frustration as fuel for change and that if there is no remedy to the problem, that there is no point in being angry. In a group setting, individuals successfully learn to cultivate a positive attitude towards stress.
Patient Acceptance
Anger management skills include patiently accepting what is happening to you without reacting blindly. When life events such as illness, job loss or other hardship loom, students are taught to patiently accept what is happening instead of emotionally lashing out. If someone provokes them with an unkind deed or word, students are taught the value of not retaliating. The goal is to find a different way or relating than with anger.
Forgive to Live
A variety of people of all ages and walks of life utilize anger management classes to improve relationships. Some people refer themselves because they desire to change their negative behavior. Others are referred or sent to classes by a lover, work-mate, attorney, court system, therapist, employer or family member. Classes are generally 1.5 hours weekly and go from a minimum of 10 weeks to a maximum of 52 weeks depending upon severity of need. Unlike individual anger management counseling that is considered psychotherapy, anger management classes that take place in a group setting teach skills. According to the A J Novick Group anger management classes, the only criteria for students is the desire and willingness to change. The stronger the desire for positive change on behalf of the participant, the greater the positive impact the class and group experience.
Anger-Free Life
Anger management classes teach survival skills for over-coming rage and living an life that is not controlled by fitful bursts of anger. Stress and anger management probation and court approved anger management classes like the A J Novick Group provide a universally renown and accepted "8 Tool Model Approach". This approach emphasizes eight major life skills to be learned by the participants to eradicate the destructive influence of anger in their lives: assertive communication; improving judgment and impulse control; stress management; expectation management; improving self talk; forgiveness; and learning to respond instead of react.
Peace and Poise Can Be Yours
In a group setting, anger management classes successfully teach team-building, improving personal relationships, and increasing interpersonal skills. The classes include client workbooks and pre and post assessments. The A J Novick Group anger management classes claim a ninety-six percent success rate based on empirically validated approaches.
Today is the First Day of the Rest of Your Kife
It is never too late to deal with your addiction to anger. In fact, your life may depend on it. According to the AJ Novick Group anger management studies, there is a direct connection between being constantly angry, competitive and aggressive and the early onset on heart-disease. Without good anger management skills, men older than 55 years of age are more likely to suffer a fatal heart attack than their peers who have better control over their negative emotions. In older adult males, hostility, irritability, and anger towards others predicts heart-disease more than any other factor, including smoking, alcoholism, obesity and cholesterol.