How to Lead a Happy Life
Treat your body like a temple. You are what you eat, drink or ingest in any way. Your body is a sacred vessel carrying you through life. Respect your body by getting enough sleep; eating fresh, local and organic food whenever possible; exercising regularly (at least 20 to 30 minutes 3 times a week); drinking plenty of water; eliminating habit-forming substances (i.e., drugs); and drinking alcohol only in moderation. When you feel strong and healthy in your body, you're more likely to feel happy in your life.
Stay positive. In the same way, watch what you "take in" with your mind---through the news you watch, the company you keep and your own thoughts. Listen to how you speak about yourself, others and the world. If you find yourself consistently being negative, listen to self-help tapes or say affirmations. Laugh often. Spend time with good friends and people you love, and learn something from everyone you meet. A positive attitude is contagious and attractive to yourself and everyone around you.
See the big picture. Cultivate a faith in something greater than yourself---call it God, Spirit, the Universe or something else. People who have a place to turn to when things get tough are generally happier people. When you are feeling frustrated or upset, try to not "sweat the small stuff" and remember that there is often a higher plan at work. Forgive easily, spend time in nature, and take time to still your mind and soothe your soul.
Be yourself. You are a unique expression never again to be replicated in the universe at any time. Don't compare yourself to others, and don't be afraid to stand out as an individual. Be true to yourself and to your cherished goals and dreams in life. Take risks so you continue to grow. Don't be afraid of mistakes, for there are none. Fall in love with yourself and treat yourself wonderfully. Do things that you love regularly. Dance, sing, swim, act, write, make music, play golf, go sailing, play with kids, volunteer or do whatever makes your heart sing.
Practice gratitude. According to the Law of Attraction, what you focus on grows, so focus on what you want more of in your life. Keep a "gratitude list" in which you express what you're grateful for. The more you do, the more you'll get what you want---and the happier you will feel. When you can appreciate the little things, you find riches and abundance everywhere you look. And most of all, be grateful for your ability to choose---for more than anything, happiness is a choice. As Abraham Lincoln once said, "We are as happy as we make up our minds to be."