What Are Some Ways to Help Relieve Stress?
Meditation and Relaxation
Studies have shown that meditation has a long list of health benefits, one of which is stress relief. Contrary to popular belief, meditation does not require a room full of incense and a licensed master, it can be done anywhere and you only truly need yourself. Sit or lie down in a quiet place and think of a serene location or nothing at all. Some recommend repeating a mantra such as "I am at peace" to ward off stress-filled thoughts. Other relaxing practices such as tai chi, qigong or yoga can have similar stress-relieving effects.
Feeling Good About Yourself and Everything
The Rampage of Appreciation is an exercise that allows you to appreciate yourself and the things around you. At any point in your day, simply stop and look around. Either out loud or in your head, note everything that you appreciate about what you see. It could be as simple as "the weather is nice today" and as complex as "I'm grateful that we live in such a technologically advanced time." If you notice a stressful or negative thought pop in, counter it with a thought that's even more positive. This exercise can be done in front of a mirror as well and can be more focused on what you appreciate about yourself. For example: I appreciate that I volunteer my time to help people in need.
Laughing and Enjoyment
Laughing is often toted as the best medicine and studies have a hard time proving that wrong. Put yourself in situations that are prone to laughter, whether it is hanging with people that you can joke with or going to the latest comedic movie or play. Leisurely activities such as enrolling in a laid-back softball league or attending a state fair can lead to laughing as well. If you cannot find a fun activity, there is an exercise in which you just laugh for 10 minutes a day every day. Laughing will give you a boost in endorphins regardless of the cause and this will help you weather the stress in your life.